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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

The Role of SERVPRO in Northwest Storm Damage Restoration

9/12/2023 (Permalink)

ceiling water damage SERVPRO of Grosse Pointe is the trusted leader in the restoration industry.

Northwest storms can be unpredictable and highly destructive, causing extensive damage to homes and businesses. From flooding to roof collapses, storm damage can be stressful to deal with and require prompt action for safe restoration and cleanup. SERVPRO of Grosse Pointe is a leading company in the restoration industry, providing professional services for the restoration of properties affected by natural disasters, like Northwest storms. In this blog post, we will discuss the role of SERVPRO in Northwest storm damage restoration.

Rapid Response

When it comes to storm damage, time is of the essence. SERVPRO understands the urgency of the situation and acts swiftly to respond to emergency calls. Their team of experts is available 24/7, so they are always ready to answer your call and mobilize a crew to begin restoration and clean up.

Comprehensive Damage Assessment

The first step in the storm damage restoration process is an assessment of the site to determine the extent of the damage. SERVPRO’s team works meticulously to assess each property, taking into account any possible safety risks and devising a plan tailored to the specific damages found.

Safety First

Safety is paramount to SERVPRO in storm damage restoration. They ensure that their team and clients are safe while undertaking restoration activities. They isolate any hazardous areas and prepare the site using techniques such as securing roofs and windows to prevent additional damage.

Storm Cleanup and Restoration

SERVPRO provides comprehensive restoration and cleaning services for storm-damaged properties. They perform services such as water removal, drying, disinfecting, deodorizing, and mold remediation. They also repair damage caused by fallen trees, collapsed roofs, and damaged walls, among other things.

Effective Communication

The team at SERVPRO is committed to effective communication throughout the restoration process. They provide regular updates and detailed documentation of all restoration activities, keeping property owners informed about the status and progress of the work.

Experienced Workforce

SERVPRO's team comprises experienced technicians and restoration specialists who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. They are equipped with the latest equipment and tools to handle any level of storm damage. These professionals know how to tackle restoration's complexities, providing their clients' peace of mind.

The role of SERVPRO in Northwest storm damage restoration cannot be understated. They provide prompt, professional, and comprehensive cleanup and restoration services for properties affected by calamities like Northwest storms. They prioritize safety, effective communication, and quality services, working tirelessly to ensure that their clients are satisfied with their work. SERVPRO is an essential resource for any property owner experiencing storm damage in the Northwest region. Don't hesitate to contact them for help if the need arises.

How to Prepare Your Business for a Fire

8/16/2023 (Permalink)

As a business owner, it's crucial to prioritize the safety of your employees and protect your assets. Fire emergencies can cause significant damage and disrupt business operations. By implementing proper fire preparedness measures, you can minimize the risk and potential impact of a fire. In this blog post, we will guide you through essential steps to prepare your business for a fire and ensure the safety and resilience of your organization.

Conduct a Fire Risk Assessment

Start by identifying potential fire hazards in your workplace, such as flammable materials, faulty electrical equipment, or blocked fire exits. Evaluate each area of your business, including storage rooms, kitchens, electrical rooms, and common areas.

Determine primary and secondary evacuation routes and ensure they are clearly marked and unobstructed. Consider all areas of your building, including stairwells, hallways, and emergency exits.

Install and Maintain Fire Safety Equipment

Fire Extinguishers: Place the appropriate type and number of fire extinguishers throughout your premises. Train employees on how to use them correctly. Regularly inspect and maintain extinguishers as per local regulations.

Smoke Alarms and Detectors: Install smoke alarms and detectors in key areas of your business, including every floor, office space, storage rooms, and high-risk areas like kitchens. Test and replace batteries regularly to ensure they're in proper working condition.

Fire Sprinkler Systems: If feasible, consider installing automatic fire sprinkler systems. These can significantly suppress a fire before emergency services arrive.

Emergency Lighting: Install emergency lighting to illuminate escape routes in case of a power outage. Regularly test and maintain this lighting to ensure functionality.

Develop a Comprehensive Emergency Plan

Develop an evacuation plan that includes clear instructions on exit routes, assembly points, and emergency communication procedures. Conduct regular fire drills to familiarize employees with the evacuation process.

Educate your employees about fire safety, prevention, and emergency procedures. Provide training on the proper use of fire safety equipment and evacuation techniques.

Safeguard Important Documents and Data

Regularly back up important business data and store it off-site or in a secure cloud-based system. This ensures that critical information is not lost in the event of a fire or other disaster. Keep important physical documents in fireproof safes or cabinets. Consider scanning and digitizing documents for easier access and protection.

Regularly inspect and maintain electrical equipment and wiring to prevent short circuits or electrical fires. Avoid overloading electrical circuits and ensure that safety switches and circuit breakers are in proper working condition. Maintain a clean and organized workspace, ensuring that combustible materials are stored safely and away from potential ignition sources.

Implement strict no-smoking policies indoors, and provide designated outdoor smoking areas away from the building.

Coordinate with Emergency Services

Maintain an up-to-date list of emergency contact numbers, including fire departments and utility providers. Keep a physical copy of this list in prominent locations throughout the premises. Regularly schedule inspections with the local fire department to ensure that your business meets all safety regulations. Address any concerns or recommendations provided during inspections.

Preparing your business for a fire is critical for the safety and resilience of your organization. By conducting a thorough fire risk assessment, installing and maintaining fire safety equipment, developing an emergency plan, safeguarding important documents, and maintaining a safe work environment, you can reduce the risk and impact of a fire emergency. Remember, fire preparedness is an ongoing process, so regularly review and update your fire safety measures to ensure the utmost safety for your employees and your business.

Water Loss Prevention: Tips for Protecting Your Property

7/27/2023 (Permalink)

Water loss can lead to extensive damage to your property, disrupt your daily life, and result in significant financial expenses. Fortunately, taking preventive measures can greatly reduce the risk of water loss incidents. In this blog post, we will discuss essential tips and strategies to help you prevent water loss and safeguard your property from potential water damage.

Regular Maintenance and Inspections

Perform regular maintenance and inspections of your plumbing system to identify and address potential issues before they escalate. Check for leaks, drips, or water stains around faucets, pipes, toilets, and appliances. Inspect the water supply lines, hoses, and connections for signs of wear or damage. Promptly repair or replace any faulty components to prevent water loss.

Properly Insulate Pipes

Insulate your pipes, especially those exposed to cold temperatures, to prevent them from freezing and bursting. Frozen pipes can cause significant water damage when they thaw. Use pipe insulation sleeves or wrapping to provide insulation and protect against freezing. Additionally, ensure that exterior walls and crawl spaces are properly insulated to maintain a suitable temperature around the pipes.

Be Mindful of Water Usage

Conscious water usage can help prevent unnecessary water loss. Avoid leaving faucets running when not in use and fix any dripping faucets promptly. Install water-saving devices, such as low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators, to reduce water consumption. Additionally, educate family members or employees about water conservation practices, such as shorter showers and only running the dishwasher or washing machine with full loads.

Regularly Clean Gutters and Downspouts

Clogged gutters and downspouts can cause water to overflow and seep into your property's foundation, leading to water damage. Clean your gutters and downspouts regularly, especially during the fall when leaves and debris are more prevalent. Ensure that water is effectively directed away from your property by extending downspouts or using splash blocks to prevent pooling near the foundation.

Install Water Leak Detection Systems

Consider installing water leak detection systems in your property. These systems use sensors to detect leaks and can send alerts to your smartphone or a centralized monitoring system. Some advanced systems can even automatically shut off the water supply when a leak is detected, minimizing potential water loss and damage.

Maintain Landscaping

Proper landscaping can help prevent water loss and damage to your property. Grade the ground away from the foundation to ensure proper drainage and prevent water from pooling around the building. Use plants and vegetation that require minimal watering and avoid overwatering, which can lead to excess moisture and potential water damage.

Know the Location of the Main Water Shut-Off Valve

Familiarize yourself with the location of the main water shut-off valve in your property. In case of an emergency or water leak, being able to quickly shut off the water supply can help minimize water loss and damage. Ensure that the valve is easily accessible and that everyone on the property knows how to operate it.

Preventing water loss is a crucial aspect of maintaining a safe and well-functioning property. By implementing regular maintenance, practicing water conservation, insulating pipes, and investing in water leak detection systems, you can significantly reduce the risk of water damage. Stay vigilant, educate yourself and others on water loss prevention measures, and take proactive steps to safeguard your property from potential water-related issues. Remember, prevention is key to avoiding the hassle and costs associated with water loss incidents.

Is Sewage Backup Covered by Insurance? Understanding Your Coverage Options

6/6/2023 (Permalink)

Sewage backups can cause significant damage to a home, and many homeowners may be left wondering whether this type of damage is covered by insurance. The answer, unfortunately, is not always straightforward. In this blog, we'll explore whether sewage backup is covered by insurance and what steps homeowners can take to protect themselves.

Sewage Backup and Homeowners Insurance

Sewage backup is not typically covered by standard homeowners insurance policies. However, many insurance companies offer optional endorsements or riders that can provide coverage for sewage backups. These endorsements may cover damage to personal property, as well as the cost of cleaning up and repairing the damage caused by the backup.

It's important to note that these endorsements can vary in terms of the amount of coverage they provide and the cost of the endorsement. Homeowners should review their policy carefully and speak with their insurance agent to determine whether they have this coverage and what it entails.

Causes of Sewage Backup

Sewage backups can be caused by a number of factors, including clogged pipes, tree roots, heavy rain, and aging sewage systems. In some cases, backups can be prevented with regular maintenance, such as cleaning out drains and pipes, and avoiding flushing non-degradable items down the toilet.

Steps to Take After a Sewage Backup

If you experience a sewage backup in your home, it's important to take immediate action to minimize damage and prevent health hazards. Here are some steps to take:

  • Turn off the water supply to the affected area.
  • Avoid contact with the sewage and wear protective gear, such as gloves and boots.
  • Ventilate the affected area by opening windows and using fans.
  • Remove any standing water and debris.
  • Clean and disinfect all affected surfaces and items, such as carpets, furniture, and walls.
  • Contact a professional restoration company for assistance with cleanup and repairs.

Sewage backups can be a messy and potentially hazardous problem for homeowners. While they may not be covered by standard homeowners insurance policies, optional endorsements or riders may provide coverage. Homeowners should review their policy carefully and speak with their insurance agent to determine whether they have this coverage and what it entails. If you experience a sewage backup, it's important to take immediate action to minimize damage.

The Importance of Mold Hygienists: Protecting Your Property

5/22/2023 (Permalink)

Mold can be a serious problem in any home or business. It not only creates unsightly stains and unpleasant odors but can cause secondary damage to your home or business. If you suspect mold in your home or business, it's essential to call in a professional to assess the situation. A mold hygienist is an expert in mold detection, removal, and prevention. Here are some reasons why you need a hygienist to check for mold:

Expertise in Mold Detection

Mold hygienists are experts in mold detection. They have the knowledge and experience to identify mold growth in your home or business. They know where to look for mold and what signs to look for. They can identify the different types of mold and the risks associated with them.

Proper Equipment and Tools

Mold hygienists have the proper equipment and tools to detect and measure mold growth. They use specialized equipment such as moisture meters, infrared cameras, and air sampling devices to identify the source of the mold and the extent of the damage. They can also use these tools to determine the best course of action for mold removal and prevention.

Preventing Further Mold Growth

Once mold has been detected, the hygienist will work to prevent further growth. They will identify the source of the moisture that is causing the mold to grow and provide recommendations on how to fix the issue. This can include repairing leaks, improving ventilation, and reducing humidity levels. By addressing the underlying cause of mold growth, the hygienist can help prevent future mold problems.

Safe and Effective Mold Removal

If mold growth is detected, the hygienist will develop a plan to safely remove the mold. They will use appropriate techniques and equipment to remove the mold without spreading it to other areas of the home or business. They will also take steps to prevent the mold from returning.

In conclusion, if you suspect mold in your home or business, it's essential to call in a professional mold hygienist. They have the knowledge, experience, and tools to identify mold growth, prevent further growth, and safely remove the mold. Mold issues shouldn’t be taken lightly. By calling in a mold hygienist, you can ensure that your home or business is safe and mold-free.

Avoiding Cigarette Fires in Your Home: Tips and Precautions for a Safe Environment

4/22/2023 (Permalink)

A cigarette fire is a dangerous and potentially deadly situation that can occur in your home. Cigarette fires are caused by the ignition of tobacco, paper and other materials used in cigarettes. These fires can be started by carelessly discarded butts or ashtrays that contain smoldering butts. They can also result from smoking materials being left unattended or improperly extinguished, such as when someone falls asleep while smoking or leaves their half-finished cigarette burning on an ashtray.

Fire Safety Tips

  • No Smoking in the Home
  • Keep Cigarettes Away from Children
  • Proper Disposal of Cigarettes

Fire extinguishers are the most common way to put out fires. There are different types of fire extinguishers, so it's important to know what kind you need before you buy one.

Dry Chemical

This type of extinguisher is ideal for putting out grease fires and electrical fires because it won't cause damage to your home or belongings while doing so. It can also be used on Class A, B and C fires.

Carbon dioxide

These are best suited for cooking oil or fat-based fires, such as those that start in the kitchen or garage due to improper disposal of oily rags or other flammable materials like gasoline containers. They're not recommended for use on wood-based structures because they'll just make things worse by fueling the flames further!

Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are an important part of your home's fire safety system. There are two types: ionization and photoelectric smoke detectors. Both types detect the presence of smoke, but they work in different ways.

Fire Escape Plan

  • Create a fire escape plan.
  • Practice the plan with your family members, and discuss it with them often.
  • Make sure everyone knows how to use the phone in case of an emergency, including how to call 911 from a cell phone or landline.

Fire Prevention Measures

Fire prevention is a simple, effective way to protect your home and loved ones from fire. Here are some tips to help you avoid cigarette fires in your home:

Keep combustible materials away from heat sources. Keep candles, incense and other flammable items at least three feet away from anything that can burn.

Avoid overloaded outlets by using power strips with built-in circuit breakers or unplugging unused devices when they're not needed.

Check electrical cords regularly for damage or wear (such as frayed wires) and discard damaged cords immediately; never use them again!

Preventing Fire

Dispose of cigarettes properly. Cigarettes are the leading cause of home fires, so it's important to dispose of them properly.

The best way to prevent fires is by practicing fire safety at home. The resources below provide information on how to spot the signs of a fire and what you can do if one breaks out in your home. As always, we recommend keeping an eye out for any changes or problems with your smoke alarms so they don't go off when there's no real danger.

DIY Guide: How to Replace a Toilet in 6 Easy Steps

3/12/2023 (Permalink)

Replacing a toilet may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be done easily. Whether you're upgrading your bathroom or your old toilet is beyond repair, installing a new toilet can be a great DIY project. In this blog, we'll guide you through the steps of replacing a toilet.

Tools and materials you'll need:

  • New toilet
  • Wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Level
  • Wax ring
  • Toilet bolts and caps
  • Gloves
  • Towels

Step 1: Remove the old toilet

The first step is to remove the old toilet. Turn off the water supply and flush the toilet to remove as much water as possible. Use a wrench to remove the nuts that attach the toilet to the floor. Carefully lift the toilet and remove it from the flange. Place the old toilet on some towels or old newspapers.

Step 2: Remove the wax ring and clean the flange

The wax ring is a seal between the toilet and the flange. Remove the wax ring from the flange and dispose of it. Clean the flange with a scraper or putty knife to remove any residue or debris.

Step 3: Install the new wax ring

Place the new wax ring on the flange. Make sure it's centered on the flange and fits snugly around the opening.

Step 4: Install the new toilet

Lift the new toilet bowl and position it over the wax ring. Make sure the toilet is level and press down firmly to seal it in place. Install the toilet bolts and tighten them with a wrench. Attach the tank to the bowl using the bolts and nuts provided. Install the seat and lid.

Step 5: Connect the water supply

Connect the water supply to the toilet tank. Turn on the water supply and let the tank fill up. Check for any leaks around the base of the toilet and tighten the bolts if necessary.

Step 6: Test the new toilet

Flush the toilet and check for any leaks or problems. Check the water level in the tank and adjust the float if necessary.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed a new toilet! Remember to dispose of the old toilet and any packaging materials properly.

Replacing a toilet is a DIY project that can be done easily with the right tools and knowledge. Follow the above steps to replace your toilet and enjoy your newly upgraded bathroom. If you're not comfortable with DIY projects or encounter any problems, it's best to hire a professional plumber to help you with the installation.

What Are The 3 Categories Of Water Damage?

2/13/2023 (Permalink)

If your home has been damaged by water, you may be wondering what category of water damage it falls into. Knowing the category helps you understand how severe the damage is and how to deal with it. In this blog post, we'll go over three categories: Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3.

Category 1

Category 1 water damage is considered to be minor. Category 1 water damage is also called "Clean Water" and involves leaks caused by a clean water source. Some examples include:

  • Leaking Pipes
  • Rain
  • Melting Ice
  • Toilet Tank Leaks (without sewage)

Category 2

Category 2 water damage is the most common type of water damage, and it's also known as "Grey Water". Category 2 refers to water that is slightly contaminated. Examples include:

  • Septic backups
  • Sump pump failures
  • Dishwasher or washing machine discharge (greywater)

The term "Grey Water" is used because this type of moisture has not been exposed to sewage or other contaminants that would make it brown or black (like Category 3).

Category 3

Category 3 is the most severe category of water damage and can cause long-term damage to your home. This type of damage occurs when there's been a water loss from a contaminated source. Category 3 water can include floodwaters, seawater, or sewage water.

When you have this type of water damage in your house, you need to act quickly before irreversible damages occur. Waiting to act can result in a timely and costly mitigation and restoration process.

Knowing the category of water damage helps you understand the level of severity in your home.

Knowing the category of water damage helps you understand the level of severity in your home. The categories are based on the type of water that has entered the home and its potential impact on health and safety. The first step in identifying the category of your water damage is to determine the source of the water.

How SERVPRO Can Help

Water damage can be devastating.

If you've been affected by a water damage event, you need to act quickly. The longer you wait to address the damage, the more it can cost you.

Call SERVPRO of Grosse Pointe today so we can start working on your home immediately. We'll assess your property, identify any issues that need to be addressed, and help you get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Knowing the category of water damage helps you understand the level of severity in your home. The three categories are: Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3. If you have any questions about which category your home falls into and how to proceed with repairs, contact us today!

3 Types of Storm Damage

1/23/2023 (Permalink)

When you hear about a storm, it can be hard to know what kind of damage it caused. Was the house damaged? Were any windows broken? What kinds of repairs will be needed? Luckily, most storms don't cause too much damage—or at least not that much that can't be repaired with some time and money. But depending on where you live and how strong your home is built, there are a few different types of damage that can happen as a result of severe weather conditions.

Roof Damage

Roof damage is the most common type of damage that occurs during a storm. Roofs can be damaged by strong winds, lightning, or hail. If your roof is damaged, you may experience water damage inside of your building as well as structural problems with your home. Repairs can be expensive and take time to complete, so it's important to take precautions against this type of damage before it happens.

Water Damage

Another common type of storm damage is water damage. Water damage can occur from rain, snow, ice, or wind. When this happens to your home or business it can lead to mold and mildew growth. The wood in your house will begin to rot. Also, electrical problems may occur because of water getting inside wires causing them to short out and spark causing fires.

Water damage after a storm can be a major problem for homeowners. Heavy rains and strong winds can also cause flooding, which can lead to water damage to the home's structure, as well as to personal belongings. Water damage can also be caused by broken pipes, faulty plumbing, and leaks in the roof. It is important to address water damage as soon as possible to prevent further damage and to protect the health and safety of the occupants.

Wind Damage

Wind damage can be caused by a wide range of weather conditions. The type and extent of wind damage depend on the strength of the wind, its duration, and its direction. Wind can cause structural damage to homes, buildings, and other structures.

Strong winds can cause damage to the roof, siding, and windows of a home, as well as to trees and other structures on the property. Wind damage can also cause power outages, which can be a major inconvenience and may even pose a safety risk if the outage lasts for an extended period of time.

If you suspect you may have wind damage, check for broken trees or branches. Check your yard for any signs that trees were uprooted or knocked over by strong winds.

When your home or business is damaged by a storm, give SERVPRO of Grosse Point a call. We will get your home back to normal as quickly as possible after a storm. We will focus on all the heavy lifting, so you can worry about what matters most – getting back to normal!

Why You Should Hire A Fire Damage Restoration Company

12/5/2022 (Permalink)

fire destroyed a kitchen, kitchen cabinets burned Severe fire damage in Detroit, MI

Why You Should Work With A Company That Repairs Fire Damage

If you've ever had a fire in your home, you know how devastating it can be. Fire damage is one of the most common reasons for homeowners to file insurance claims, and it's also one of the most difficult to repair. Luckily, there are ways to make the process easier on yourself. The best thing to do is to hire a fire damage restoration company that specializes in cleaning up after these types of situations. Here are some reasons why working with a professional will help your home repair:

We Will Protect Your Home from Additional Damage

There are many reasons why you should hire a fire damage restoration company. One of the most important reasons is to protect your home from secondary damage. When a fire occurs, there is smoke and soot that can enter the structure of your home and cause structural damage. The main reason for hiring a professional restoration company is to avoid additional expenses in repairing secondary damages.

Some examples of secondary damages include:

  • Water Damage - In most cases when water enters into a structure, it's usually due to broken pipes or leaking appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, toilets, etc. This causes extensive damage, especially if not remedied quickly enough before mold starts growing on wood frames or ceiling tiles. A major source of water damage in a fire is, of course, firefighting efforts. 
  • Structural Damage - Firefighters spray water onto houses during an emergency situation like this one but unfortunately, this can cause cracks within walls which then leaks more moisture inside causing more problems down the line.

We Work with Your Insurance Company

You can trust the experts. If you’re dealing with a fire in your home, who is going to know better how to handle the situation than a professional restoration company? A reputable company will provide you with experts who have been trained and certified to deal with this type of damage. They also have access to tools, materials and techniques that may not be available for purchase by an individual homeowner.

They can help you with your insurance claim. After experiencing a fire in your home, there are many things on your plate that need immediate attention; one of these things is getting repairs started quickly so that the damage doesn’t continue to worsen while waiting for an insurance adjuster or contractor to arrive at your doorsteps. A professional restoration company will know exactly what needs done before they start any work which is why they are able to get started immediately without having too many questions from their clientele about how much something might cost them down the road due solely on wrong decisions made during cleanup efforts (which leads us directly into our next benefit).

We Help You Save Time and Money

When you have fire damage in your home, you’re going to want to get it fixed as quickly as possible so that the process of putting your life back together can begin.  When you hire a fire damage restoration company, they will be able to come in and do all of the work associated with getting your home back in shape so that you can start living there again. If you try doing this on your own, it’s going to take much longer and cost more money. So if saving time and money is important to you, then hiring SERVPRO of Grosse Pointe is definitely the right move for your situation!

You Will Have A Less Stressful Experience

It is a very stressful experience to deal with fire damage. The stress of cleaning up after a fire can be especially hard on you and your family. A professional restoration company will handle everything from removing debris to repairs, and cleaning so that you can get back to normal as soon as possible.

A professional restoration service has specialized equipment for handling all types of damages in various situations such as smoke damage, flooding, mold growth, and water extraction from building materials like drywall or insulation. A qualified company will also be able to provide expert advice on how best to repair any structural damage caused by the fire so that you won’t have costly repairs down the road due to poor construction techniques being used in areas where they shouldn’t be (such as behind walls).

As you can see, there are many benefits to hiring a company that specializes in fire damage restoration. Not only will it save you time and money, but it also helps protect your home from additional damage and ensures an easier process with your insurance company. If you need any help with repairing or restoring your Detroit, MI home after it has been damaged by fire, we would love to talk with you!

What Not To Do After a Water Damage

11/5/2022 (Permalink)

Water Damage: What NOT to Do

Flooding and water damage are some of the most frightening things that can happen to your home. The immediate aftermath of a flood or water leak can be overwhelming and confusing, but it's important to act quickly to prevent further damage. After you’ve assessed the situation and ensured your family is safe, here are some tips for what not to do after experiencing a flood:

Avoid the Affected Area

It's tempting to go back and try to clean up the mess yourself, but it isn't safe—especially if there is mold involved. You should not try to clean any water damage yourself because of the risk of electric shock or exposure to mold and other hazardous materials. If you suspect that your home has experienced a flood or significant water damage, call your local emergency management agency for assistance and advice about how best to proceed.

Shutoff Electrical Devices and Appliances

Once the water has been turned off, you should shut off the main power supply and all circuit breakers. This will prevent any electrical equipment from being damaged by water or electrocution.

Next, you should turn off the gas supply to your home if it was damaged in any way. If you have natural gas or propane in your home, be sure to turn those supplies off as well.

Toss Contaminated Food

It's important to know that your home is safe and secure before you do anything else. If it's been flooded, throw away all food in the fridge or freezer that has been in contact with flood waters. Throw away any food that has an unusual or foul odor, as this can indicate contamination by sewage, chemicals, or other contaminants from the flood. In addition to making sure any refrigerated items are safe, also dispose of non-perishable food items that have come into contact with flood waters or mud because they may have been contaminated by heavy metals from the soil (such as lead).

Call The Professionals

You’re probably feeling overwhelmed. You may be wondering if your home is still safe to live in and what the next steps should be.

You’re not alone. Water damage can cause a lot of problems: It can lead to mold growth, cause structural issues, and make it difficult for you or your family members to breathe properly. In some cases, water damage can even be deadly!

Fortunately, there are ways that you can help minimize the risk of experiencing further losses after a flood or other type of water damage occurs:

Water damage can be a challenging experience to go through, but you shouldn’t let it ruin your day or take over your life. Although there are some things that you can do on your own to help mitigate any damage, it’s important to remember that water is still dangerous even after it has been contained. Make sure that you contact experts who have the training and equipment necessary for handling these situations so they can properly clean up after themselves.

Content Cleaning and Fire Damage

10/2/2022 (Permalink)

chair and furniture in the room after burned by fire Fire damage in property

Content Cleaning and Fire Damage

The smell of smoke and soot are a reminder of a terrible fire, but they're also signs that your contents need special attention. Whether you've just had a small kitchen fire or your home was damaged by flames, you'll want to take action right away to clean your belongings. The company will take an inventory of the items that need cleaning and what needs to be replaced or disposed of completely. Content cleaning removes dust, dirt, soot, and smoke remnants from your belongings. Items that can't be cleaned with water are taken off-site for ultrasonic content cleaning at specialized facilities where they can be exposed to high-pressure water jets under controlled conditions that prevent damage caused by normal washing machines (or other methods).

Smoke and Soot Damage Quickly

Smoke damage and soot damage happen almost instantly to your clothing, upholstery, and other belongings. The smoke from a fire can permeate into the fabric of your items, leaving behind an oily residue that can be difficult to remove. Soap and water are options for cleaning clothes and fabrics that have been exposed to smoke or soot. 

However, soap has a tendency to leave a white residue on darker-colored fabrics such as blue jeans. To avoid this issue you may want to consider using an additional cleaner like OxyClean™ liquid laundry booster in conjunction with water when cleaning clothes that have been affected by smoke or fire damage.

So what exactly is soot? Soot is produced by incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels (such as candles or cigarettes). As the air passes over burning material it begins collecting tiny particles from the burning substance which creates black streaks on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces around where there is heat being generated from these sources--this includes areas directly above where flames are present!

Technicians Can Help

Once the technician has taken an inventory of your belongings, he or she will be able to give you an estimate of how long it will take to clean and/or repair your property. The technician will also advise you on what needs to be replaced or disposed of completely.

What is Content Cleaning?

Content cleaning is a process that uses water and detergents to clean the contents of your home. The cleaning process involves washing away soot, smoke remnants, and other debris from furniture, carpeting, and clothing. Content cleaning may be performed by professional cleaners or you can do it yourself with the proper equipment.

In order to make sure that your belongings are properly cleaned after a fire, you should hire a reputable company such as SERVPRO of Grosse Point. We provide content cleaning services for residential properties as well as commercial properties throughout Grosse Point. It is important that we use our own equipment because it ensures consistency in our operations while providing peace of mind to homeowners who are concerned about the potential damage caused by poorly maintained equipment used by other companies.

Offsite Cleaning

Some items go offsite for even more specialized cleaning:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning is a gentler process than dry cleaning.
  • It uses high-frequency sound waves to remove dirt, stains, and odors from non-porous items; items that are nonporous include clothes, leather, plastics, and rubber.

Treat Immediately

If you’re not cleaning your items right away, they can become breeding grounds for mold, mildew, and dust mites— tiny bugs that feed on skin cells and shed body parts (deerskin cells). The longer these insects have access to un-cleaned fabrics and carpets, the more likely it is that they will infest those surfaces with their eggs.

In the event of a fire, it's important to take action as quickly as possible. You can choose to have your clothes cleaned in-house or sent out for specialized content cleaning.

Content cleaning is a specialized service and involves removing the smoke odor from all of your belongings, whether they're made of fabric or not. It's best to find out what kind of damage has been done to your property before making any decisions about how much time has passed since the fire and whether it will be safe enough to handle yourself. If there are still hot spots on carpets or floorboards, then it might not be advisable for you to try doing this yourself unless you have protective equipment available (e.g., gloves).

If you're looking for a company to help with content cleaning after a fire, then contact us today! We have experienced technicians who can provide both onsite and off-site services.

3 Mold Prevention Steps for Your Bathroom

8/31/2022 (Permalink)

Three Steps to Prevent Mold in Your Bathroom

Even if you scrupulously clean your bathroom, there is still a possibility for mold growth. This is primarily because bathrooms are often areas of high humidity. The good news, however, is that once you recognize that humidity is the top source of bathroom mildew, you can take steps to reduce the excess moisture. (If you've already noticed mold or mildew, contact water damage cleanup and repair professionals right away.)


One of the best ways to reduce humidity levels in the bathroom for mold prevention is to provide proper ventilation. Many homes are equipped with fans in in the ceiling that carry away the moisture-heavy steam from hot showers. Make sure your ventilation fans are equipped to handle the amount of humidity in the room. For example, if there is still condensation on the surfaces of the room when the fan has been running, you know that you need more ventilation. It may be necessary to open doors and windows to compensate for the lack of other airflow.

Daily Cleaning

Once you have adequate ventilation in the room, turn your attention to towels and floor mats. These surfaces are often damp and could easily become home to mold spores. You may notice that your bathroom décor smells musty or looks dusty. These are two signs of mold in the bathroom. Replace and launder towels and rugs regularly.

Comprehensive Maintenance

Ongoing maintenance is a vital component of mold prevention. This refers to replacing deteriorating caulk around the tub to replacing the wax ring under your toilet on a regular basis. The moisture from steamy showers can make its way past gaps in tile grout. Pooling water under the base of the toilet can host an entire colony of mold before you notice any water damage. The steps you take to keep your bathroom in top repair are essential to preventing mold.
Remember, water damage isn't the only source of mold in your bathroom. Prevent new growth by adding ventilation, removing sources of moisture, and focusing on appropriate maintenance. These steps can prevent a lot of expensive and trouble in your Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, home.

The Key Elements of Fire Damage Restoration

8/26/2022 (Permalink)

view of bedroom, door of bedroom open, house caught fire, smoke and soot damage in a home Fire damage in a Detroit, MI residence.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, nearly 30,000 home fires happen every month in the U.S. These fires range from fairly minor to major events that cause extensive damage to a home. Residential fires happen for many reasons, but one commonality in these situations is the need for fire restoration. This is the art and science of restoring a home to its original condition. It is not an easy task and usually requires the services of a professional emergency restoration company. Highly trained technicians work to minimize damage to a home in Detroit, MI, reduce costs and expenses and keep everyone as safe as possible.

Proven Methods To Reduce Costs

After a fire, a home is often open to the elements and therefore subject to additional damage from weather. A fire restoration crew will do an immediate board-up or roof tarp service to prevent water from coming into the home. Experienced technicians will also perform some or all of the following actions:

  • Water removal and drying
  • Mitigation of smoke damage
  • Cleaning and repair
  • Reconstruction of damaged structures

A team that is conscious of extra costs will practice a restore versus replace mentality. Workers will test materials such as furniture, clothing and carpeting to see if they can be successfully cleaned of soot and odors.

Advanced Training for Improved Safety

In addition to professional damage cleaning, an experienced team will focus on safety. Trained workers know that soot can penetrate all areas of the home including the HVAC system. They also know that the extreme heat of a house fire can make canned goods and other foods unsafe to eat. As part of the fire restoration process, the crew will secure the home against the dangers of falling items and unstable structures. In the aftermath of a home fire, a professional crew works to restore a home safely and efficiently.

3 Tips for Protecting Your Business From Winter Storm Damage

8/10/2022 (Permalink)

Protect Your Business Before Bad Weather Arrives

When cold weather descends on Harper Woods, MI, it can affect your business in a variety of ways. A winter storm can bring heavy snowfall, freezing rain and single-digit temperatures that might cause power outages, frozen water pipes and other issues that might damage your building. However, there are a few steps you can take before bad weather arrives that may help you protect your business.

1. Back Up Your Data To the Cloud

Cold weather can cause your building’s pipes to freeze. When this happens, the expanding water inside them may result in a pipe break and flooding. This can be especially common in basements, where the overall temperature is cooler to begin with. Stored files can be ruined by this type of flooding, so it is a good idea to transform paper records to electronic ones that can be stored on the cloud. This can also make searching for certain blocks of data more efficient when you need to access them.

2. Have an Employee Storm Plan in Place

Prepare a contingency plan with your employees and discuss it in detail so they know how to react in case of a winter storm. Include how they will be contacted in case of a closure, whether they can telecommute in case roads shut down and how to close the building down if the weather forces a shutdown in the middle of the day. Keeping everyone on the same page can prevent confusion and ensure the safety of your employees.

3. Have a Restoration Company on Retainer

Trying to find a storm damage and restoration company after your building has been partially destroyed by winter weather can be frustrating and cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars in lost operating hours. To prevent this, sign on with a company before the cold weather comes. Then, if the worst should happen, you can start the recovery process with one phone call.

The fallout from a winter storm in Harper Woods, MI, can be severe and harm your business. However, when you prepare for such an event, you may be able to act with more confidence and protect your investment.

Three Suggestions to Help Avoid a Building Fire

7/24/2022 (Permalink)

Avoid a Building Fire

A fire at a commercial building in Grosse Pointe Park, MI may wreak havoc on a business. In addition to structural damage caused by a fire, a blaze at an office could make it impossible to work in the building for an extended period. In order to avoid business interruption, it may be wise to practice fire safety and do everything possible to avoid a business fire from starting in the first place. Here are three simple suggestions to help avoid a building fire.

1. Use Caution Around Flames
It is critical to practice caution around open flames. For example, if decorative and scented candles are utilized at an office, it may be beneficial to request that employees use extreme caution around them and to not leave candles unattended. If workers smoke cigarettes, designating a smoking area outside and away from the building that contains receptacles for the safe disposal of cigarettes may be helpful. Any and all flames could pose a risk for a business fire, and it is important for individuals in the office to be very careful.

2. Regularly Inspect Electrical Systems
While a fire could be caused by an open flame, electrical issues could also cause a fire. It may be helpful for a business owner to schedule regular inspections and maintenance of the electrical system in the office to avoid a fire and subsequent business interruption. Additionally, small electronic devices – such as personal heaters for instance – may pose a threat if the device or its wires are damaged. Ensuring that all electrical systems and electrical items in the office are working properly is vital.

3. Install Fire Sprinklers and Place Extinguishers Throughout the Office
Installing overhead fire sprinklers in a building may be one of the most important ways to help extinguish a fire. Placing fire extinguishers throughout the office and showing employees where the extinguishers are located can also help to stop a blaze from spreading in the event of an emergency.
Professionals who specialize in fire cleaning and fire restoration can help if a fire does occur. However, if fire safety is practiced regularly, avoiding a business fire and business interruption may be possible.

When Is a Basement Flood Covered by a Homeowners' Policy?

7/19/2022 (Permalink)

Coverage Exclusions

The basement is the lowest part of a home. It may also be prone to cracks in the walls and floors. It is thus no surprise that floods frequently occur in this location. Before your next water disaster, you should find out whether your insurance will cover a basement flood.
Your homeowners' insurance should pay for emergency cleanup and restoration services following an accidental and sudden peril. For example, insurance typically covers repairs following a pipe burst or water heater rupture.
However, not every flooded basement is covered by homeowners' insurance. Below are some exclusions of your policy.

1. Water Backup From Drains or Sewers
A homeowners' policy does not include water damage that results from fluid backing into your basement from an exterior drain or sewer. However, you can purchase separate insurance to cover this type of loss.

2. Flood Damage
Similarly, a basement flood that results from a storm or overflowing body of water is not covered by homeowners' insurance. Separate flood insurance coverage is available through the National Flood Insurance Program.

3. Damage Resulting From Poor Maintenance
If the insurer determines that the water loss resulted from your negligence, your claim will not be accepted. You thus need to perform regular maintenance checks and address leaks right away.

Available Coverage
Your policy should cover both damages to the structure of your home and harm to personal property inside the house. However, the cost of repairing or replacing the broken pipe or appliance that caused the water loss is not included.
A basement flood caused by an outside storm or sewer backup may not be covered under your insurance policy. You can purchase additional insurance to help pay for the restoration and cleanup following these disasters.
However, the cost of repairing and replacing a damaged pipe or appliance is typically excluded from insurance policies. Any floods that result from your negligence will not be covered by insurance, either. Read over your policy or contact your agent in Grosse Pointe Farms, MI, to get more information.

24 Hour Emergency Restoration

6/22/2022 (Permalink)

Floor has been removed, dehumidifier placed on a hallway. Storm damages a building in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI.

24 Hour Emergency Restoration 

When disaster strikes, it is crucial to respond quickly. Storms, floods, and fire can damage commercial property that is vital to the functioning of your business, and having a plan in place can help you mitigate the damage from such events. 
When considering professional restoration services in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, availability is one of the most important factors. A restoration company with 24-hour emergency service will help you recover from any disaster in a prompt and thorough manner.
These are some of the main reasons to prioritize 24-hour service.

1. Fast Response No Matter What
If a storm damages the windows or the structures of your building in the middle of the night, the inside of the building may be exposed to water damage. To ensure that commercial property is protected from mold or further degradation, you need a professional restoration company that can respond quickly.
SERVPRO is a 24-hour company that can be reached at any time. They will respond to your call within 1 hour. A team will be on-site within 4 hours, and you will receive a verbal briefing of the situation within 8 hours. These response times are crucial to the success of the restoration process. In many cases, you cannot afford to wait until morning.

2. Comprehensive Service
In the aftermath of a disaster, you might be overwhelmed by the damage the building has suffered. You might not know how to proceed in the best way. A restoration team that can respond to your call at any time will be able to evaluate the situation and let you know what services are required. This allows you to protect any sensitive documents or equipment inside.
The kinds of events that require restoration services are often unpredictable. You never know when a storm or fire may occur. For this reason, it is vital to find a restoration company that is always open.

The Most Common Water Losses for Commercial Properties

6/13/2022 (Permalink)

Collage pictures of a flooded building Flooded commercial building in Harper Woods, MI.

The Most Common Types of Water Losses in Commercial Buildings

When you think of potential water damage, you probably imagine a leaking roof or runoff from a storm. You may not expect your building in Harper Woods, MI, to have a broken pipe, but that's actually one of the most common types of water loss found in commercial properties. Here are some other things you may eventually have to deal with.

Clean Water Damage
Water that damages your building doesn't always come from outside. Floods in commercial properties often come from clean water sources:

  • Frozen pipes
  • Broken supply lines
  • Leaky sinks

One way to minimize the water loss in these situations is to turn off the water main as soon as you know you have an issue. That way, you stop the supply of water at the source. Then call a plumber to fix the broken pipe before the water is turned back on.

Fire Sprinkler Flooding
Your fire suppression system is designed to douse flames that threaten your building. It uses a lot of water to do this, though. Even when it functions like it's meant to work, the flood damage can be extensive. This may also happen if a sprinkler is broken or the system malfunctions. 

Toilet Overflow
It doesn't take long for a flooded toilet to make a big mess. Furthermore, the issue may not remain solely in the restroom where it starts. Certified water repair specialists not only have to clean up the damage in the space around the overflowing toilet but also must check the ceiling in the room beneath it for signs of a problem. Something as simple as an unsuccessful flush can be the start of a pretty big disaster.
Water damage in your building can be caused by anything from a broken pipe to sewer backup. Knowing the main problems to look out for can help you fix them before they get out of hand.

Roof Damage Requires Temporary Remediation

6/5/2022 (Permalink)

Once a heavy storm in Detroit, MI, subsides, it’s time to assess the property for any issues, especially roof damage. Any holes or exposed areas may quickly lead to other issues, further adding stress and cost. Since time is of the essence, inspecting the roof for damage and taking temporary mitigation measures is necessary.

Signs of Wind Damage

Homeowners should take safety precautions before getting a roof. In most cases, it is best to call a professional roofing company. It will have the expertise to find damage and the equipment to safely navigate the roof. Even if you can’t get on your roof, these signs indicate there is roof damage that needs to be quickly addressed:

  • Loose or missing shingles
  • Staining on shingles
  • Warping or curling
  • Damaged fascia or soffits
  • Tears or cracks on roofing components
  • Crooked chimney
  • Cracked skylight
  • Tree or branches on the roof

Prevent Secondary Damage

If you can tell that the damage is severe, along with filing a claim, the next call should be to a professional water and storm damage restoration company. In most cases, your insurance provider will require you to secure the property. That will mean boarding up visibly weakened areas and tarping over any holes or large cracks. These steps are necessary to minimize the chances of secondary damage, which the insurance provider will not cover. Board-up and tarps services are typically part of the package when relying on a restoration company to return your home back to how it was before the storm. Although temporary, they will help keep out additional water, pest and potential vandals.
When your home sustains roof damage, it is not something that can be overlooked. Taking immediate action to determine the issues and get temporary mitigation in place may prevent added expenses and time spent on repairs.

3 Tips for Removing Cigarette Smoke Odor From Your Home

5/27/2022 (Permalink)

Ozone generator Ozone has been proven to be effective at destroying odor.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Cigarette Smoke Odor in Your House

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2019 that 34.1 million adult Americans admitted to smoking at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime. The health risks of the practice and its secondhand leavings aside, a major problem with lighting up in buildings is that it can leave behind a long-lasting, unpleasant odor. Regardless of whether it is the result of the habit of others or yourself, you may not want such a smell to linger in your home. There is the option of contacting a professional cleanup service in Grosse Pointe Shores, MI, for home deodorization, but it is not the only choice available. Here are some tips for eliminating any scent left behind by cigarette smoke.

1. Purify and Circulate Air
Promoting circulation and purification of the air in your home is one part of home deodorization. Some actions you can take include:

  • Opening doors and windows
  • Using fans
  • Using an air purifier with a HEPA filter
  • Placing bowls of vinegar (white or apple cider) and active charcoal in different areas for odor absorption
  • Regularly changing out HVAC filters

2. Use an Ozone Generator
Ozone has been proven to be effective at destroying odor. What happens is ozone generators make activated oxygen molecules that oxidize smoke particles. It is important to be aware that the substance may result in negative health effects and damage to some items.

3. Clean Exposed Materials
The stench of cigarette smoke can cling to objects. Washing hard surfaces with a water and vinegar solution can help get it off. With textiles, you can wash removable objects like couch covers with vinegar in the washing machine. For those things not so easily cleaned, like furniture, you can sprinkle baking soda over them, let it sit for a while and then vacuum it up. You may also want to steam clean carpets after this, as well as furniture and curtains if you have access to an attachment.
Home deodorization may become an extensive project depending on how long the issue has gone unaddressed. Preventative measures, like smoking outside and encouraging others to do the same are the best way to avoid having to go through it.

4 Fire Prevention Tips for Businesses

5/21/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Prevention Plan

Considering that there are more than 75,000 commercial fires a year, according to OSHA statistics, is your Grosse Pointe, MI, business protected? Although it may not be possible to ensure a fire never breaks out, having a fire prevention plan in place may help minimize the loss and time it takes for a professional fire damage restoration to restore the business. Below are four tips to reduce the risk.

1. Determine the Risk
Since every business is different, each business will have different risk factors. Conduct a thorough inspection of the property to determine what may incite a fire. This may include inspecting equipment and appliances to ensure proper airflow and checking that outlets aren’t overloaded with extension cords.

2. Maintain Business Fire Equipment
Smoke detectors, fire sprinklers, alarms and extinguishers are essential tools for detecting and putting out small fires. A business can only count on this vital equipment to work if it is properly maintained. It is recommended to add fire safety equipment to routine maintenance.

3. Develop an Evacuation Plan
A key component of fire prevention is having an evacuation plan. The faster that people are able to get out of the building the better. Along with ensuring that exit areas are clearly marked, key roles should be defined to help ensure a smooth exit.

4. Communicate the Plan
As perfect as the plan may be, everyone on-site needs to have a clear understanding of it. This should include how the evacuation process will work, how they will be notified of a fire and who is in charge of the evacuation. Conducting regular fire drills is an easy and efficient way to ensure that everyone understands what to do during an emergency.
Although a fire may not be completely avoided, the above fire prevention tips may help minimize the risk and ensure that everyone is on the same page if an incident happens.

3 Common Types of Secondary Damage After a Flood

5/16/2022 (Permalink)

Three Common Types Of Secondary Damage

Secondary damage is to a flood what aftershocks are to an earthquake: they're the less-obvious types of damage that occur after the main event. After a flood, that includes everything from black mold to a busted Xbox. Without the help of an experienced water damage mitigation company, these headaches can happen long after your rugs have dried. Here are three of the most common types of second-tier damage Grosse Pointe Park, MI, homeowners experience following a flood.

1. Electrical Damage
Water in your electrical outlets is no joke. It can be hard to detect and even harder to rebound from. Water in your sockets has the power to brick your electronics or knock out electricity to your entire home.
This potential for a shocking surprise is one of many reasons why cleanup after flooding should be left to an experienced water damage mitigation company.

2. Black Mold
Mold is another serious concern after a flood thanks to the high humidity that flooding creates. If that flood was in your basement, crawl space or another dark place where water likes to linger, you've created the perfect conditions for mold and mildew.
Like water in your electrical system, mold is often difficult to find. For this reason, it's imperative to act fast after a flood to begin the drying process and minimize the potential for more significant damage.

3. Weakened Building Materials
After a water event occurs, it's important not to overlook your home itself. Neglected water can lead to rotten wood and corroded metal. Once these structural elements begin to deteriorate, it spells big problems for both your home and your budget.
Additionally, keep an eye out for water damage that may lead to:

  • Buckling floors
  • Tiles separating from the ground
  • Cracked tiles
  • Sagging plaster
  • Cracked drywall

Softening ceiling plaster or the potential for black mold is difficult for homeowners to detect after a flood, especially when they're blinded by rage and sorting through their soggy stuff. Knowing what to look for, however, can help both you and your restoration crew keep damage to a minimum.

Water Damage Requires a Fast Response

4/25/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment in the hallway of a building Commercial water damage in Grosse Pointe Farms, MI.

A Quick Response Is Required When Water Damage Occurs

An emergency situation can arise in a Grosse Pointe Farms, MI, commercial property at any time. Whether faced with water, mold or fire damage, a fast response is imperative to ensure the problem doesn’t spread to minimize losses and claims. That is why it is important to rely on a restoration company that has 24-hour availability and a trusted network of certified professionals to back it up.

Timeline for Help

Whether it’s the middle of the night or Sunday morning, you need reliable help that is always open. The right company will have a 24/7 call center that can dispatch help fast. When choosing an established company with 1,700 franchises nationwide, you can expect a fast response regardless of the disaster.

Within one hour of making the call, the client will be contacted to coordinate an on-site visit.
In under four hours, a certified professional will arrive on location to begin the process. This will include an assessment and inspection of the losses, as well as pretesting the restorability of the structure and damaged contents.
After the initial consultation, the insurance provider will be contacted within eight hours and be given an overview of the damage and a plan to address it.

Trusted Service

When choosing a provider that has 24-hour availability, you also want the expertise to back it up. A company dedicated to serving insurers and their clients will be certified and adhere to IICRC standards. It will also be up to date on the latest tools and techniques through ongoing training. After the plan of action is approved, a team of professionals will get to work. The process includes:

Water removal and extraction using high-grade pumps and vacuums.
Fast-drying through the use of industrial-strength air movers and dehumidifiers.
Salvageable items will be itemized and taken to a safe, secure location for proper cleaning.
Structural components will be repaired or replaced, ensuring the property is returned to preloss condition.

While no one wants a water emergency to happen, it is a relief to know that 24-hour help is available to quickly stop and fix the problem.

Information Worth Knowing About Hurricane Insurance

4/20/2022 (Permalink)

What You Should Know About Hurricane Insurance

Companies at risk for hurricane damage need storm insurance. Having a policy in place provides a financial cushion for hiring a commercial storm renovation service. Here's a quick guide to some essential knowledge regarding these policies.

Hurricane Insurance Coverage

With most standard building insurance agreements, you are covered for the devastation caused by:

  • Fires
  • Vandalism
  • Windstorms
  • Burglaries

Hurricanes are typically excluded. Riders regarding these and other coverage exceptions, such as earthquakes and floods, may be added for an additional fee depending on your location.

Hurricane Insurance Claims

After a hurricane, contact your insurance company and state that you wish to file a claim. Ask how long it will take for a storm insurance adjuster to arrive in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, to assess the damage.
Take photos and make videos of all damage. Compose a list of what has been destroyed and compile receipts for purchases of compromised items. Place all relevant documents into one folder and store them in a place away from damage and leaks. Save ruined valuables until the adjuster has had an opportunity to inspect them. Storm insurance companies are experts at figuring out the overall value of someone's loss.
Inform your insurer if you need immediate repairs, such as removing downed electrical lines. Policy issuers are often willing to send service professionals to claimants' properties on their behalf.
Use tarps to cover up gaps in roofs and windows so that there is no further exposure to the elements. After time passes, mold may develop. Hire a mold inspector to verify the absence of fungal intruders.
Consider hiring a public adjuster to assess the condition of your property. Reports from independent authorities have the potential to help you negotiate a better settlement.
Storm insurance is necessary for companies that are vulnerable to strong winds and precipitation. Make sure your policy covers you in case a hurricane comes through your area and wreaks havoc.

Storm Damage Restoration for Commercial Buildings

4/8/2022 (Permalink)

dehumidifier in a hallway, floor removed. Storm damage in Harper Woods, MI.

Commercial Damage Restoration Process

After a storm causes damage at a building in Harper Woods, MI, a commercial property owner should immediately pursue mitigation followed by restoration. Mitigation may start with water extraction followed by decisions regarding which materials to tear out or disinfect. Learn more about the major stages of the commercial damage restoration process.

Eliminate Standing Water

When the manager or owner of a building finds water standing in any part of the structure, it is a good idea to make arrangements for extraction. The following forms of damage are more likely to occur the longer that water remains in a building:

  • Degrading building materials
  • Saturation ruining contents
  • Formation of mold

A roof leak may start out as Category Two water damage and degrade as water works its way through building materials or is left standing. Pumping out water within 24 hours may make it possible to salvage more materials and prevent mold.

Remove Ruined Materials

Some materials are destroyed by prolonged exposure to water. Insulation, drywall and carpet may be ruined by saturation. It is important to tear out materials that are difficult to disinfect, as these substances can support mold growth.

Disinfection and Drying

Once standing water and any materials ruined by water have been removed from a structure, it is time to promote drying. After several days of running air movers, dehumidifiers or fans, storm restoration should be able to proceed.
A general sense of the steps that restoration professionals will take in response to storm damage can give a property or business owner a clearer sense of what to expect during this process. The removal of standing water or measures to tear out damaged materials are procedural steps. Restoration can only proceed after the affected part of a structure has dried. The longer materials stay wet, the higher the risk of a mold at a building in Harper Woods, MI.

Common Indoor Molds and How to Tell Them Apart

3/31/2022 (Permalink)

Mold spores may be everywhere, but that doesn’t mean you want them growing in your Detroit, MI, business. Along with black mold, this fungus comes in an array of colors and textures, as well as toxicity levels. Before diving into mold cleanup, it is good to have some knowledge on the common types of mold and what they look like.

Common Molds

While there are more than 100,000 types of mold, including edible mushrooms, not all of them are able to thrive indoors. Below are four of the most common molds that may be lurking in your building.

Alternaria: It is often olive green or brown and gray. This velvety fungus finds its way in from the outdoors. There are more than 40 species of this variety.

Aspergillus: Although it may come in different colors, it is often black with white or yellow underneath. Its long spores make it easy to form thick layers on surfaces.

Cladosporium: Able to grow in warm and cool conditions, it is velvety and typically green or brown. It often starts as small spots that come together to create large patches.

Stachybotrys: Frequently called black mold, this greenish-black variety has a slimy texture and thrives on paper, dust and lint. It often makes an appearance after a flood or when humidity levels are very high.

Call the Experts

When you first see mold, it's best to call in a mold remediation and restoration company to properly remove the problem. Along with having the right tools, they will have extensive knowledge of the different types of molds and how to remove them. Unfortunately, mold is often detected via smell rather than sight. When that happens, an indoor environmental professional can conduct a test to determine the type and extent of the hidden problem.
While black mold may be the most talked about, many varieties can flourish indoors. Regardless of the type, quickly addressing the problem is important.

Why Is Fire Insurance Important for Your Commercial Property?

3/27/2022 (Permalink)

Which Type Of Coverage Is The Best For You?

If you own commercial property that houses your business, or you rent it out to others, insurance can be vital for your success in Grosse Pointe Shores, MI. However, which type of coverage is the best for you? You can never have too comprehensive of a policy, but sometimes this has to be balanced against budget concerns. Fire insurance may be one of the most practical options for the savvy business owner.

Fire Is Common

Fire is one of the most common disasters to befall buildings and structures, no matter their purpose. Fire restoration is usually covered if you choose a policy that includes fire. There are many sources of fire that can effect your property:

  • wildfires
  • lightning strikes
  • kitchen and grease fires
  • electrical fires
  • smoking

Fire Is Costly

Fire can be one of the most destructive events to happen to a building. It can cause extensive structural and contents damage or loss; it's basically able to destroy everything you own. There are also fire department service fees attached to simply putting out the fire. Something like this can close your business for awhile, if you are not prepared with fire insurance. Plenty of quality fire remediation services are covered, so you won't need to pay out of pocket.

Fire Is Complicated

Fires usually cause more types of damage than just that of the flames. There can be smoke cleanup or soot damage, which causes odor, reaches nearly every surface and degrades electronics. There can be damage caused by the fire suppression materials, such as foam, pressurized water and powders. Sometimes you may even experience damage from being exposed to the elements. Almost every kind of material in your building will need tending to.
Fire insurance can be very comprehensive and may be the most likely to come in handy for your commercial property. These days, it is usually packaged with various other disaster coverage, as well. Regardless of your circumstances, it is a responsible investment to consider.

What Is Category Three Water Damage?

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

If your commercial building in Grosse Pointe, MI has experienced a flood, you may have many questions. It's important to know what kind of floodwater you're dealing with as you begin the restoration process. There are three types of water damage, classified as Category One, Category Two or Category Three. Here is some information about Category Three water damage, also known as black water.

Category Three Water Sources

Category Three water is the most extreme form of water damage. In order for water to be considered Category Three, it must be contaminated with toxins such as bacteria, chemicals or sewage. Category Three or black water sources include:

  • water from a rising outdoor water source, such
  • as a lake or river
  • a sewage backup
  • a toilet overflow that contains feces
  • water from a natural disaster, such as flood water

Another way you can get Category Three water is by leaving Category Two water untreated for more than two days.

Safety Precautions

Since black water is considered the most extreme form of contamination, it is important to take the correct precautions when dealing with Category Three water. If possible, avoiding exposure to Category Three water is the best way to stay safe. However, there are times when you must enter your commercial building. In this case, be sure to wear the proper protective equipment, including waterproof gloves, rubber boots and a face shield. It's also important not to attempt to clean up the water, and instead call in a professional flood restoration company. A clean-up crew will bring the specialized equipment and tools needed to safely clean up black water.

Clean-up Procedures

Call a professional restoration company as soon as possible. A clean-up crew will bring the specialized equipment and tools needed to safely clean up black water and begin the restoration process. Black water's toxicity means that any affected furniture or flooring must be removed and your building will be cleaned with biocides to kill any bacteria.
Category Three flood water can be damaging to your commercial building if not dealt with quickly. Call in a professional water restoration company as soon as possible can help keep your employees and building safe.

What Every Business Owner Should Know About Black Water Flooding

2/28/2022 (Permalink)

Flooding is a potential risk for business owners everywhere. If your commercial property in Grosse Pointe Park, MI, is affected by flood water, you should be aware that this water could be very dangerous. Luckily, an emergency restoration specialist can determine what type of water you’re dealing with and make an action plan to safely clean and restore your property.

How Is Water From a Flood Classified?

Water from a flood is classified into three categories, based on its source and contents.

  • Category One is “clean” and does not pose a health risk.
  • Category Two is “gray” and contains some contaminants.
  • Category Three is “black” and is heavily contaminated.

Water classified as black presents a high risk of hazard to both humans and animals. Because of the possibility of illness or death, any contact with this water should be avoided.

What Is Black Water?

This category of water likely contains human or animal waste, along with other harmful components, such as bacteria, viruses, mold and fungi. The floodwater can come from sewage backup, overflowing toilets or storms.

Levels of Black Water Damage:

Water from flooding that has been categorized as black can be further classified into sub-levels. This designation assists professionals in deciding on the best course of action for sanitation and restoration.

• Level I damage is limited. The water originates inside the building and usually only affects a small space. Porous materials are not contaminated, and there is no structural penetration.

• Level II damage signifies greater contamination in a larger space. While still originating inside the building, porous materials are affected, and the structure should be closely inspected.

• Level III damage presents the highest degree of contamination. This water originates outside the building and can come from sewage lines, septic tanks or storm damage.

Flood water can cause tremendous damage to your property, along with safety risks. When water is present in your building, avoid any contact, and wait for the professionals to assess the situation and manage the sanitation and restoration process.

Tips for Restoration After a Large Storm

2/25/2022 (Permalink)

long hallway, a dehumidifier, flood cuts performed on drywall If your commercial experiences storm damages, let SERVPRO of Grosse Pointe be your restoration company.

Tips for Restoration After a Large Storm

After a large storm, many homes and businesses can experience a catastrophic loss, especially in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI. Fortunately, a professional restoration team, such as SERVPRO, can help if your clients experience damage. Here are a few things many experts recommend in this situation.

1. Follow Safety Protocols

When it comes to flooding, there's a potential for contaminated water which can present a safety hazard. This is why it's important to follow any safety guidelines, including turning off all electricity to the area and wearing protective gear.

2. Use a Restoration Service

In the case of a large catastrophic loss, it may be best to have your client contact a professional restoration service. A company like SERVPRO is trained to deal with large-scale damage and a variety of restoration techniques. They also have the means to work with insurance companies to help with claim information. Common services offered include drying the area of any flood damage, document restoration, item restoration, mold remediation, and building repairs. SERVPRO even offers an electronic inventory system to help insurance companies keep track of claim data.

3. Protect the Building

When it comes to storm damage, it's important to protect the property against any further problems that may come from leaving any damaged areas exposed. Your chosen restoration team can board up or tarp over any potential problem areas. This will protect against further weather damage, animal intrusion, and may even be required by the insurance policy.

When dealing with catastrophic loss in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, there are a few recommendations to consider following. There are many safety protocols designed to keep you, your clients, and any restoration experts that are working on the property safe. If a professional team has been hired to perform the restoration, they may already be familiar with these guidelines. It's also important to protect the property from any further damage. In the event there are any questions, restoration experts may be able to help.

4 Key Points Regarding Home Fires and Insurance Coverage

2/18/2022 (Permalink)

Burned kitchen Severe fire damage in a Grosse Pointe Farms, MI home.

Home Fires and Insurance Coverage

A home fire can severely damage or even destroy your property. Fortunately, most homeowner’s insurance policies cover fire damage, helping to reduce out-of-pocket restoration costs. Because coverage varies, it’s important to familiarize yourself with specific policy details, exclusions and additional options that may provide enhanced protection.

1. Common Insurance Coverage

When it comes to fires, insurance typically covers costs associated with repairing or rebuilding the dwelling as well as replacing damaged possessions. If your home is temporarily uninhabitable, many policies also provide additional living expenses to fund interim housing.

2. Liability Protection

Liability protection is another common component of many policies. Possessing this coverage can be important, especially if someone is injured at your residence or the actions of a household member spark the home fire.

3. Vacant Home Fires

Some residents of Grosse Pointe Farms, MI, may own dwellings that are vacant for a portion of the year. While the exact definition varies, a residence is often deemed vacant if it’s unoccupied for more than 30 consecutive days. If you own a vacation home, this distinction can be important because your insurance provider may deny a claim if it can prove the incident was a vacant home fire.

To safeguard your investment and financial security, you should discuss your options with an insurance representative. You may be able to include an endorsement on your current coverage or purchase vacant home insurance.

4. Arson

Intentionally setting a residence on fire is a crime that nullifies insurance coverage. To combat fraud and rule out arson, your provider will likely investigate the cause of any reported inferno. Suspicious behavior, such as increasing coverage or making several expensive purchases, prior to the blaze may also cause your provider to question and possibly deny your claim.

A devastating home fire is a potential threat that many homeowners fear. Recognizing exclusions and ensuring you have adequate coverage for every property you own can spare you from costly out-of-pocket expenses, providing some peace of mind.

Mold Growth: Your Responsibilities as a Landlord

1/31/2022 (Permalink)

Prevent Mold Growth From Becoming Larger

One of the challenges of owning rental property in Harper Woods, MI, is that you must often depend on the vigilance of your tenants to know there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Once you have been notified that mold cleanup is needed, however, you should respond quickly to prevent the issue from becoming larger. This not only helps you serve your customers better but also makes you less likely to become party to a lawsuit.

Quick Response

The hallmark of a great landlord is that he or she is readily available to tenants. While it is not necessary for you personally to be on call 24/7, responding to complaints in a timely manner can foster a great relationship with them. Consider making multiple reporting tools available:

  • Office phone with reliable receptionist
  • Email response within 24 hours
  • Form posted on website
  • Online portal where maintenance process can be tracked
  • 24-hour emergency line

Preventative Measures

The need for mold cleanup can often be avoided by taking care of leaks and water damage as soon as they occur. Ideally, your tenants will report problems like this as soon as they notice them. Since mold can start to grow quickly once excess moisture is present, you should consider it a high-priority issue. By fixing it before mold contamination has a chance to infest your property, you serve your tenants well.

Outside Help

If a problem does persist long enough for mold spores to settle and grow on a surface, it is in your best interest to hire mold remediation experts to get rid of the growth. These certified contractors have the specialized skills and equipment necessary to thoroughly mitigate mold issues. Regular cleaning methods will not be sufficient to remove the growth.

Fast response and resolution are the keys to mold cleanup. Both are necessary to provide great service to your tenants.

Landscape for Your Property's Protection

1/23/2022 (Permalink)

Options That Can Help Storm- Proof Your Front Or Backyard

It's a fact. Extreme weather events have accelerated according to the government's National Climate Assessment. More than an occasional rainstorm, we're experiencing an uptick in the number of powerful hurricanes and dangerous flash floods. For homeowners in Detroit, MI, that can mean outside flooding—with resulting soil erosion, water runoffs and damaged property.
Landscaping professionals use many creative, eco-friendly solutions to stave off outside flooding and preserve residential property. 

1. Swales. Dig a depression (trench) to direct water's flow down a gentle slope to a drain. Line the slope's lowest point with rocks for rain drainage and put in deep-rooting plants along the slope to secure the soil and prevent runoff.

2. Heavy Mulch. Use heavy, man-made, hardwood mulch in your garden beds to hold the soil in place.

3. Rain Garden. Create a low-maintenance rain garden to provide space for water to pool during downpours. In the garden's center, bed plants with high water tolerance. As the surrounding plantings drain after rain, the middle section remains submerged, permitting the water to slowly reenter the soil.

4. Green Roof. Install an increasingly affordable green rooftop to absorb storm water. Beyond ecological benefits, a "living roof" improves insulation, lowers utility costs and beautifies the environment.

5. Draining Driveways. Add rain drainage to either side of your driveway pavement, or eliminate the asphalt or concrete altogether and use gravel paving to neutralize rain storm flooding.

6. Divert Rain Spouts. Invest in a downspout diverter to direct water away from your home's foundation and protect it from fissures and cracks.
Outside flooding can be mitigated, or avoided entirely, with good landscape planning. Unfortunately, there are instances where flooding occurs indoors. When facing significant interior water damage, it's in your home's best interest to rely on water damage experts for professional cleaning and restoration services.

The 4 Worst Types of Winter Storm Damage

1/18/2022 (Permalink)

Drywall removed, plastic barrier hanging (concept of mold contaainment) Storm damage to a Grosse Pointe Shores, MI residential home.

Four Damages a Winter Storm Can Cause

Adverse winter weather can cause severe damage to your home in Grosse Pointe Shores, MI. Low temperatures, heavy snow, and high winds can all lead to problems that require repairs or restoration. Find out more about the four worst types of damage a winter storm can cause.

1. Roof Collapse

A layer of dry snow three inches deep can add up to 10 pounds per square foot of additional weight to a roof. Three inches of wet snow can weigh as much as 60 pounds per square foot. A blizzard can build up far more weight. A roof collapse threatens the safety of all inhabitants and can lead to extensive water damage. A cave-in calls for evacuation and extensive roof repairs or a rebuild.

2. Ice Damming

Ice dams form when snow melts due to an unevenly warm roof and refreezes near the eaves. This may cause water to seep under shingles and lead to roof damage, water damage, and mold in the attic or insulation. Keep your attic cool, well-insulated, and ventilated and the drainage system clear to prevent damming after a winter storm.

3. Pipe Bursts

Frozen pipes can burst and cause major water damage. Allow faucets to trickle and heat your home to a safe temperature – no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit – even when you are out of town.

4. Undermined Doors and Windows

Winter weather can wear down doors, windows, and weather stripping. This causes cold drafts to enter and allows heated air to escape. A door may even blow open when you are away and lead to water damage and an increased risk of intrusion. Maintain the condition of exterior doors and windows.

All of these events can cause thousands of dollars in damage. If any part of your home succumbs to a blizzard or adverse weather, rely on winter storm damage restoration specialists in Grosse Pointe Shores, MI.


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